Thursday, August 28, 2008


He'll walk around with the strainer to his face, talking and screeching as loud as he can. It's rather amusing (it's less funny when he runs into things, but we still chuckle.)

Monday, August 25, 2008

It was another nice weekend so we took advantage of the weather and headed downtown for the farmer’s market. It’s one of my favorite Saturday traditions. You’ll find the season’s best bounty of vegetables, flowers, and specialty products from approximately 150 vendors. All of the agriculturally-related items are produced in Wisconsin. We bought some zucchini bread, raspberry jam, honey, and some snow pea pods. Evan needed a break from the stroller so we played on the capitol lawn. Later on, Eric had to head to the pool to work, so Evan and I went to visit him and to be sure that Evan got one more swim in before the summer ends. He had such a good time. I think he laughed the entire 15 minutes he was in the water.

It was also “Good Neighbor Fest” weekend in Middleton. Sunday we went to the parade with some friends and walked the fairgrounds. To end the weekend, Eric and I went to the Dark Knight on the IMAX, and oh my, it was SO GOOD. A very, very good movie experience.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

the big ONE.

Evan turned one! Although his actual birthday was on Friday, we had a little party for him on Saturday afternoon. It was a nice day, so guests moved from indoors to the outdoors for some games on the lawn.

Sunday Eric had to work, so Evan and I headed down to Camp Randall for Badger Family Fun Day. There we met our friends Kylie & Howard & their 2-year-old son Bennett. Players, coaches and Bucky were available for autographs and pictures.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

We've been spending a lot of time with cousin Jackson, and the two boys get along great. Here are pictures from yesterday's playdate.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Playing on the porch, wearing daddy's clothes. That's what was left of Eric's sleeve after he cut them to make them "muscle" shirt. Of course I couldn't let the opportunity pass to call them "lack of muscle" shirts. Only kidding.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A quick message: Thank you to everyone for your support and well wishes as Eric recovers from a recent car accident. He is doing a little better every day and really appreciates the small acts of kindness from many of you. Thank you.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


We spent 4 days in ohio visiting my brother, Brady. I'll just give a quick run-down of the events and let the pictures do most of the talking. Evan did well on his first plane ride, although I am glad it was only an hour flight.
On the way to the swimming pool, we stopped for this photo-op. People passing by must have thought we were crazy.

Saturday night we went to a huge festival in Columbus - IRESH FEST. Here is Evan with a new friend.

Sunday we headed to Cleveland for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. It was awesome. I could have spent the whole day there, but we only had time for about one floor. Maybe next time.

Monday morning we met one of my good friends from high school at Barnes and Noble so the kids could play with the trains.

Later in the day, after a picnic, it was off to Cinci for the Brewers/Reds game. Too bad they lost and too bad it was scorching hot. But we had a good time and Evan enjoyed the mist area.