Thursday, May 28, 2009

swimming with daddy.

Yup, you guessed it, more videos of Evan doing some random things. These are mostly meant for Aunt Kate who at this moment is walking around Greece. I'm not jealous at all...

a daycare story.

Eric just called me after he dropped Evan off at Judy's house with a cute story. Christopher (who is one month older than Evan) wanted to watch Little Einsteins. He pointed to the TV and said to Judy "Little", so Judy asked him if he wanted to watch Little Einsteins. When Evan heard this, he said "Choo-Choo" (because he thinks the rocket is a train). So Judy said, sure, we can watch a little TV. Christoper, Evan, and Ava (4 months older than Evan), all walked over to the couch and pulled themselves up and sat right next to each other (apparently they all put their hands on their laps, too :). Judy then asked them if they wanted a blanket, and they all said "Yes" at the same time.

I LOVE that Evan has a safe, happy place to go to 3 days a week. We are so blessed to have Judy and her family in our lives!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

memorial day parade.

Monona has a great Memorial Day parade and Evan had a good time watching and listening to the music. I couldn't believe it, but he actually sat in his stroller for the whole parade! That's a first. Oh, and the Grand Marshall was Jeff Skiles, so that was cool.

milwaukee public museum & new puppy frisco.

Saturday afternoon we drove to MKE to visit the Milwaukee Public Museum. We met Tracy and Max there and had a great time. Afterwards we headed back to Tracy's house to meet their new puppy, Frisco. Adorable!


They broke the record! Close to 210,000 brats sold over the holiday weekend. Crazy. Eric ate two Friday night so that was our addition.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My parents lent us their Flip video camera, and since it's so much easier to upload videos from that (vs. our video camera), I am uploading a bunch of random videos. Playing at the park and running around the house with daddy. Probably more to come in the near future!

Friday, May 22, 2009

bath time!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

what a difference a day makes.

Yesterday both Evan and Wrigley got their haircut. Thank you to Grandma and Darlene for doing such wonderful jobs! Here are some before and after shots.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

lawn mower tune-up.

uh-oh & thank you.

nose, mouth, eyes.

watching daddy fertilize the lawn.

Monday, May 18, 2009

We also had a get-together at Joni & Steve's house to look at all the pictures from our trip to Europe. The newest edition to the family was there - MYA! We're very happy that she is now well enough to be out and able to meet everyone :)

Then it was back to the party at the park. Adam & Julie met us there with their two youngsters and it was fun to watch Casey go down the huge slide.

more fitchburg days pictures.

This past weekend we spent most of our time at Fitchburg Days (just a few blocks from our house, so that was easy). The feature attraction was Aussie Kingdom which brought us the opportunity to see, hear, and touch native Australian animals, including kangaroos, lizards, birds, wallaroos, and wallabies. There also were food, games, and tents with exhibits and local businesses. It was a lot of fun and we were able to meet family and friends there and enjoy the weekend.