We love swimming at the pool before it opens. Eric blasts the music and we get wild and crazy! Sunday I took Evan for a ride around the pool. He loved it when the boat "accidently" smashed into me.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Our neighborhood had it's Easter Egg Hunt over the weekend and it was nice to get outside, watch Evan have fun with the kids, and chat with neighbors. Evan was SO EXCITED to see the Easter Bunny. He was the first one leading the parade :) And this year, more than last, he was all about getting as many eggs as possible. We took this opportunity to stress the importance of sharing, which hopefully he'll grasp sooner than later!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This morning Evan was a little grumpy. Eric went in to wake him up, and Evan wanted his mommy...I'll admit, that made me a little happy. So when Eric told him I was at work, he laid back down and put his head under the pillow :)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Evan is very excited about March Madness. Apparently he knows something we don't, as he is picking Wisconsin to win it all. We can hope, right?
This isn’t the best video, but every time Evan would get on a roll of picking teams, he’d notice I was taping him. To put it nicely, he’s not a fan of being videotaped!
We love this weather! Here are a few videos of Evan playing baseball with Grandpa.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
About a month ago we randomly decided to remodel the guest bathroom. While I'm glad we did it and love the outcome, I did not enjoy the process of taking off the wallpaper. What a nightmare. Lucky for me, I have a patient husband & mother who did most of that :) Thank you! At some point we plan to get a new faucet, but for the most part we're all done. Here are a few pics from my cell phone.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
A few quick notes on some recent happenings:
Evan likes to watch me play games on my phone. One day he was sitting next to me and I got a new high score and was excited about it. So he looks at me with a grin and says "Nice job, Momma!" I'd never heard him say that before and got quite the kick out of it.
Apparently during their morning commute to daycare, Evan always takes his hat off in the car. Then, when they get to Judy's house, Evan insists on putting it back on as he and Eric walk up to the front door. He pulls it down over his eyes so that when Judy opens the door she says "Oh my, where is Evan?" which he finds hilarious. This has been happening for weeks - Eric is lucky he finally told me :) This is what the blog is for!
Monday, March 8, 2010
A few nights ago we went to a local ice rink to watch some hockey. Evan was a little more interested in the game he could control, but that's to be expected.
It was a fun weekend of music and family time. Friday afternoon one of my favorite bands, Gomez played in Studio M. LOVE THEM. Saturday I got really lucky and was able to chauffeur G. Love around town and to his performance in Studio M.
Sunday evening we all gathered at Aunt Joni and Uncle Steve's house for dinner and non-stop running for Jackson and Evan.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Gearing up for spring training...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Last night Evan and I were sitting on the couch watching a little TV and Eric was in the office working on pool stuff. Eric sneezes and Evan, without missing a beat, yells "Bless You!" and continues to watch TV as if nothing had happened. As long as he's polite, he can yell as much as he wants.
Monday, March 1, 2010
This past weekend we went to La Crosse to visit Eric's family. Do you think Evan had fun with his cousins? I'm not sure...