Thursday, April 28, 2011

Judy, our daycare provider who we love, needs to get licensed in order to have the number of children in her house that she watches. So, we have had to make other arrangements during the week to see that Evan and Grace are cared for. Thanks to family and friends, we pretty much covered it through the beginning of June so that Eric and I won't have to take off of work. Last Monday my mom watched them...when I got home in the afternoon, I walked into a fashion show :) Thanks to my mom for forcing me to put Grace in some adorable dresses and take pictures. I love them.

easter 2011.

We had a lovely Easter. We went to 9AM church with my parents and Kate (Eric ushered) and then headed to Barb & Jim's house for lunch. Evan LOVED the egg hunt and it was a nice day to be outside and let Evan run around.

Saturday we headed down to Camp Randall for the annual Badger Kids Fair, where kids can wait in lines for 20 minutes to kick a soccer ball or hit a puck :) Kidding aside, Evan had fun. Gracie was a trooper, and again, I have to say I'm happy to have gotten a nice picture of Evan looking lovingly at Grace. These days he runs from the camera, so any photo I get of him is a bonus!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cheerleader in the making?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Grandma loves to dress Gracie in hats! And then turn them sideways!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Evan and I seem to have our best conversations in the car. The other day I made a deposit at the bank, and he always asks to look at the transaction receipt. He points at it and says "Oh, it says my name. Right here. Evan Jacob Breidel. And here it says Mama Jacob Breidel. And over here it says Gracie Gordon Breidel."

I guess he knows my maiden name! Funny that I get his middle name and Gracie gets Gordon. I love how his little mind works :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Grace and her cousin Elaina (little sister to Jackson & Mya). Grace is about 2 months older and it sure shows! It's only a matter of time before little Lainey catches up to Grace, who we affectionately call the "chunky monkey."

Grace is now 3 months old, I'm back to work, and summer is just around the corner. Can't wait to get outside and hopefully feel inspired to take more photos. These will have to do for now!

Some photos from my phone...
some from Grace's first week of her life, some more recent.

We finally made it to the new & improved Madison Children's Museum. I had heard great things and we were not disappointed. Evan had a great time and we could have stayed the entire day without him getting bored. It's nice to have such a great museum just down the road from our house!