Friday, September 30, 2011

Flag Football.

Once a week, for a month, Evan has been playing flag football. He LOVES it. I'm pretty sure he smiled the entire hour. He is working on his listening skills, and at times cares more about drink breaks than doing the drills. Eric and I enjoyed the brief look into the next 15 years of our lives spent sitting on bleachers holding juice boxes :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Well, we have been busy moving in and unpacking boxes. I hate disorganization, so I've been working on my patience while the house looks like a tornado ripped through it. I will post pics as soon as the house is presentable.

In the meantime, Grandpa took Evan to a horse farm last week so we could have a few hours of uninterrupted work at the house. One of his co-workers, Marie, owns a horse and thought Evan would like to meet him, which of course, he did. It was all he talked about that weekend. I had to tell him, more than once, that we would not be adopting a horse :)

Friday, September 9, 2011


After a hectic month, we have packed up all our stuff, moved in with my parents for 3 weeks, and will be moving permanently to Sun Prairie on September 23. This would not have been possible except for my gracious parents, who not only are letting us live with them, but after we found tenants to rent our house, purchased it so that we could get a loan on the new house. Talk about the best parents EVER! Not sure how we will repay them.

Well, I am very sad to say (and relieved at the same time) that Wrigley has found a new home. We recently discovered Evan is allergic to her skin (she doesn't shed), so we've been trying to find her a new home. My second cousin, Sarah, and her family have said they would love her, so she is up in Minneapolis with them now on a "trial run". They have two cats, so we are going to see how Wrigley does. While we will miss her, I am so thankful to have (hopefully) found her a loving home. She is a great dog and we look forward to visiting her. Love you, Wrigley.

Bennett invited Evan to go with him to Firehouse #1 (downtown Madison), which included a private tour of the entire house (including the firetrucks, rescue boat, foosball table), as well as eating lunch with all the firefighters. He had so much fun. Pretty sure their favorite part was using the headphones to talk to each other while "driving" the truck.

A few random photos taken over the last few weeks:

A few pictures from Matthew's birthday party (by now, it was almost a month ago). Evan had a blast playing baseball and loved that his buddy Bennett was there.

It's definitely true, what they can buy your kids all the toys in the world, but all they need is something as cheap as a laundry basket. Evan and Grace had so much fun playing together. It's so sweet the way Evan will, from time to time, talk to and play with Gracie. He is such a good big brother. He's so patient and kind to her.

Just hanging out in her crib, talking and snuggling with Mr. Monkey.