Monday, April 30, 2012

Evan and I went to the Dr. Seuss play that the high school performed this past weekend. Evan loved it! He did really well paying attention and only asked when it was going to be over a few times. I think he enjoyed an evening with just Mama...I know I sure had a good time!

I love it when Grace's babysitter sends me pictures during the day. Shawn is great and it's very clear that Grace loves her. We are lucky to have found her!

Thank goodness for Sweet N' Low packets to keep a little girl happy before the food arrives.


Just chillin, laying on top of a stuffed bear, reading a book.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm already looking forward to Grace being able to talk and let us know what she is thinking, as opposed to screaming when we can't guess what she is wanting. Not that I don't think she's adorable right now and at times, so sweet and loving, but she has really been a bear lately. It doesn't help that she has an older brother and wants to do EVERYTHING he does. I'm super excited that she can open doors now. Anyway, a few pictures from the last few days of mostly her being cute, and one of Evan from a lunch date with Grandma.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lately, Grace has really upped her communication skills. Mostly it's pointing and screaming for something she wants, but she is saying a few words. Mama, Dada, more, and all done. Anyways, she often walks into the kitchen and points to the hook where we hang our hats. I hand her one, she takes it, and asks for the other one. She puts one on, and hands the other to me and points to my head, as if to say, OK, now you wear this one. What a cutie!

Having seen Evan use the magifying glass, Grace knows just what to do with it. I like the one where she's smashing her nose.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Things said recently by Evan:

Eric: "Should we take a juicebox for the car ride?"
Evan: "Let's bring two juices, in case I get in a bad mood."

A few weeks ago I was pulled over for speeding (GASP!). The nice officer let me go with a warning. Well, the other night we were sitting at a stop light, and a police car zoomed by us, sirens blaring. As I glanced back to watch the car go by, I see Evan look up and nonchalantly say "Don't worry Momma, it's not for you." It was the casualness of how he said it that was so funny. Like I get pulled over so often that it's no big deal or something.

We ate lunch at Fazoli's on Easter, and the waitress who brought us our food was wearing bunny ears. As she left, Evan said, "Oh, she's cute." Again it was how he said it like an adult that made it funny.

2012 masters.

Despite my mother getting sick, ending up in the hospital, ultimately missing the tournament and having to stay in Augusta for an extra 3 days, our day at the 2012 Masters was pretty good. Got some great pictures and even though I'm not a fan of his, it was very exciting to see Tiger Woods. Augusta National really is a magical place. It would be nice if they let women play there, though.