Friday, August 31, 2012

Just in case I want to have easy access to the info, Evan’s 5-year-old stats are as follows:

Height - 3’10.75” (98%)
Weight - 45 lb. 3.2 oz. (78%)

Oh, and I’m pretty sure I won’t forget this, but he HATES shots.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Snack break with our neighbor, Lily.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Gah, Grace just cracks me up. She makes up her mind about something and it must be done. Yesterday that meant wearing Evan's Under Armor headband, and then finding what I thought looked like the most uncomfortable place to relax.


Friday night we went to the community center for a "Superhero Move Night", where the kids got to decorate pillow cases that were then used as capes, given masks, and then watched the move "The Incredibles." Eric unfortunately had to supervise a swim meet, so I had to try and keep Grace in line while Evan did the activities. She did ok, then the movie started, and once she finished her popcorn, she was all over the place :) But Evan understood why we had to leave and was a good sport about it.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Brewers vs. Phillies! Great weather, great friends, lots of fun, horrible game by the Brewers. Oh well, we had a blast. So great of Aunt Mary and Aunt Kit to watch Grace, it was soooooo much easier and enjoying to not have to keep track of the fastest 18 month old I know. She's been a handful lately :)


Sun Prairie Corn Fest!


Evan is FIVE! We are having his party at our house in a few weeks, so we just did family stuff on his actual birthday. We went to a movie (which was Gracie's first movie, and we lasted about 15 minutes :) Then we headed to Chuck E Cheese, and had a great time. It was during the week on the lunch hour, so it wasn't that busy. Evan just loved it, as did Grace. Evan opened a few presents from us and at the end of the day, said "I had a fun day." Since then he's asked to go to Chuck E Cheese everyday.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Some recent pics.


The other night Culver's was having a special family fun night, with .99 kids meals and fun activities. The police station brought their police dog, and Grace just LOVED it.


A little retail therapy...

Finally, some pictures from our trip to Ohio.