Thursday, March 28, 2013

Both kids, right before bed, literally go crazy. They run around the house screaming and jumping. I snapped a few pictures of Grace while she was taking a breather.


Fun in the rec room!


Playing at the mall  - again, check out Gracie's mood swings. In the first picture, she was still pouting from 10 minutes earlier when I cleaned her face. How was I to know it would upset her so? She finally got over it and had some fun. Then, when I asked her to tell Evan it was time to leave, she instead tackled him which the two of them found hilarious.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Every night, before Evan goes to bed, he and Eric play a game of Uno on the iPad, and usually have random discussions which, depending on how enlightening they are, Eric shares with me. Well, last night was a pretty good one.

Evan: Daddy, I'm going to pick players for my baseball team, then you can pick yours.
Eric: OK, go.
Evan: I pick Ian (friend), Bennett (friend), Tate (friend), Andrew (cousin), Jackson (cousin), and Mama.
Eric: I pick Grandpa, Uncle Tom, Aunt Barb and Uncle Jim, and Grandma.
Evan: No, you can't pick them because they are too old.
Eric: Can I pick Ryan Braun?
Evan: Only if you give me a dollar.

Oh, that boy.

How she rolls. Hands in pockets, hat pulled down below her eyes.

Again, as in the last post, Gracie being very animated during dinner. Love her.


Oh how quickly she changes her moods. These three pictures were taken in the span of 5 seconds - she was putting on quite the show at dinner. Glad to have my camera in my pocket to capture her expressions.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

So if this picture looks to you like Grace is playing with a lighter, I guess you might be right. In actuality, I was monitoring her very closely and she only had it for a few seconds. There, now that the disclaimer is out there, we can laugh at this photo and think what a cute little girl.

Little photo shoot with my girl. She did great, although I wasn't thrilled about the amount of static in her hair. Still managed to get a few cute smiles and pretty good pictures.


Very happy to be watching his new favorite movie, Wreck-It Ralph

I have a very similar picture of Grace at the library, doing this exact same thing from about 6 months ago - she loves to use the computer and I dare you to try and take off the headphones! Good luck!

I'd say that Gracie's favorite part of her day is when she gets to brush her teeth, right alongside her big brother. It's so cute - she watches him in the mirror and does exactly what he does, all along smiling and looking so proud of herself.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Step 1: Line up her friends to get ready to snuggle.
Step 2: Ready the blanket.
Step 3: Lay down and watch a few minutes of TV before bedtime.

Helping Grandma shovel the deck. She was very determined. Evan had enough after about 30 seconds, but Grace stayed outside, at times by herself, for about 10 minutes. Such a good helper.