Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I love these two pictures of Evan...just about every night, after he's supposed to be in bed, he comes to tell me something that's usually not very important. I snapped these two photos as he was talking about his favorite Mario characters.


As if three water guns, one hose and one kiddie pool wasn't enough, she just had to wear the Brewers baseball helmet.


Hanging out at Grandma's pool, watching ducks through her binoculars. 


Thursday, June 13, 2013

'nuff said.

Thank goodness for the play area at the car repair shop, as we sure have spent enough time there recently. I glanced over at Gracie and she was pretending to feed the horse some of her popcorn. Cute stuff.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Cheering Evan on during baseball practice.


Grace REALLY loves her stuffed animal friends. Like to the point that they have to leave the house with us and also to the backyard, even if it's for just a few moments. Last night after bath she decided to line them up on the floor and lay next to them. I would love to know what this little girl is thinking.

Goofing around while visiting Grandma and Grandpa. Grace browsing the iPad, looking at engagement photos of Brady & Katie.


Cute pics of the kids swinging in the backyard.


Hanging out on the deck.

Fun times at the World's Largest Brat Fest.


Who knew shopping at Home Depot could be so much fun?

This might be the cutest dress I've ever seen...


The pool at my parents condo is GREAT - they keep it very warm, so even on these cool summer days, it's ok to swim. We stopped by for a visit, and it turned into the kids jumping in while in their clothes. Grace could not be kept out of the water. Just look at her face! How could I deny her such joy!?!?!

Evan and I worked on these masks last week during Gracie's nap. We had fun, and it was nice to do them while the little girl was napping, because just as I expected, the second she woke up, they became "hers." So nice of her brother to let her have them.