Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our neighbor Lily brought over some bubbles the other day, and oh my, Gracie flipping flipped out! She was so happy and excited...it was adorable to see her prancing around the yard chasing after the bubbles.


Not to much to explain here, just a few cute pics of a ride on a carousel and the kids helping me water the yard. It seems I can't do anything these days without one of them asking to help, so I have been practicing my patience and deep breathing skills a lot lately.


Despite the recent cooler weather, we have managed to get to the pool for some fun. It's actually been really nice, as it hasn't been crowded, and the kids don't seem to mind the chill in the air. Oh to be young again!


Yet another trip to the Madison Children's Museum in the books.


Evan has baseball twice a week, and although it's very exciting, there is a lot of down time that allows me the opportunity to take tons of pictures of Gracie, which also helps to keep her distracted.


A day in the Dells! I got free passes from work for a boat tour of the Wisconsin River and also for Tommy Bartlett Exploratory, so we hopped in the car and headed north. We love the Dells and it was great timing as Evan has been asking when we get to go to the "science place." It really was a great day, both kids behaved well and it was nice to get away for a day and just relax. The highlight was when the captain of the boat asked if they wanted to steer, and of course they both did!


Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekend recap: Attended wedding for a friend, Evan and Grace hung out at Grandma and Grandpa's, and Grace continued to be photogenic. 


Monday, July 8, 2013

Sunday morning at the zoo.