Monday, November 25, 2013

Pretty happy with how the pictures for this years Christmas card turned out, considering I had to use my phone, the kids were cold (and didn't want to do the pictures in the first place), and the next door neighbors dog kept bothering us :)

Best Buds. (usually)

Fashion show while waiting to sell some books and CDs at Half Price Books. That's my girl!

A really good Live from Studio M last week - Phillip Phillips, former American Idol winner. And even thought I was conflicted, because he totally copies Dave Matthews in every way possible, I still like a few of his songs. I was really happy that he played my favorite song of his, "Gone, Gone, Gone."

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A weekend full of Dinosaur shows, car washes, baby showers, oil changes, math practice, trips to Target, and snuggles with Grandma.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

More in the series titled "Evan's mom loves his long hair and takes pictures because he will only be this young for so long." He's growing up so fast.


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...well, not really, but it is at our house. I love Christmas decorations, so we decorated really early this year. The kids were totally into it. Evan wanted to start his Christmas list, and I found Gracie doing the same thing one night in our room before bed. So cute.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

We had an awesome weekend in Chicago with Brady and Katie. Friday we spent in Schaumburg at the LegoLand Discovery Center and at Woodfield Mall. Then we drove into downtown to stay right off of Michigan Avenue at an amazing Embassy Suites, complete with a pool and great breakfast. Saturday we walked along Michigan Avenue and Millenium Park (where I finally got to see Cloud Gate - and loved it). During Gracie's nap, Eric and Evan went to the Field Museum. Dinner at the Rainforest Cafe, which of course the kids loved. Sunday we went for a short walk and then headed home, with one more trip to Woodfield Mall so the kids could run around they play area. It really was a nice weekend, and have to note that the entire ride home Grace kept asking "Where Brady and Katie?"