Thursday, February 27, 2014

A few sweet (mostly) things Evan said yesterday...

Me: I love you to the moon and back.
Evan: I love you to Target and back.

Evan (completely out of the blue): Mama, at the end of the day I can't wait to get home and see you.
Me: Oh, that's so nice!
Evan: I can't wait to see Daddy even more.

Very sad to say that my Uncle Jim recently passed away after a long battle with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. He was a great man and will be missed, especially by Evan. Jim was always so patient and willing to play board games or listen to Evan talk about anything that interested him. He was always excited to see Jim. Here is Gracie with him on Valentine's Day where together they made cards and you can see even as she slept, she had to hold onto it.

Hanging out in mom and dad's room, watching the Olympics.

A few weeks back we attended the UW Women's Hockey were just $1 as they were trying to break the attendance record for a women's hockey game. Not sure if they did, but we had fun. My parents and Aunt Mary went with us. Both kids were really into the game - spent most of the time cheering and dancing to the music. And of course, trying to spot Bucky. Evan now wants to play hockey but we are like NOT A CHANCE.

Random photos from the past two weeks.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Fresh haircut!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Some photos our neighbor (and Eric's manager at First Weber) took at the company tree decorating party back in December. I want his camera.

It may appear she is napping...but apparently she just needed some alone time.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Impromptu January photo shoot (thank goodness for the camera on my phone...
I horribly miss my SLR camera)!