Friday, December 28, 2007

For Christmas, I made some family members a calendar using older and current photos. It was a lot of fun, especially the re-discovering that my dad had hair and that Brady used to be cute. A few pages:

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Since the pool was closed to the public Christmas Eve, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce Evan to water. The Young's and Aunt Kit joined us, as did Grandma Gordon and Aunt Marcia. Evan loved it! He didn't cry once, not even when we got him out and he was shivering hardcore. It sure was a different way to start out Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

What an awesome early Christmas present! A leak in our 4-season porch - thanks to all the recent snow, it melting, and then rain on top of that. We had tried purchasing a roof rake earlier this week, but everywhere we went they were out. Anyway, Eric jumped up on the roof to shovel off the snow, and Evan watched us from the kitchen table.

Friday and Saturday we were in La Crosse visiting Eric's family, and we went to the hospital to meet Emmett Ryan for the first time. Eric's sister, Kelly, had Emmett this past Wednesday and is doing great. Here is Evan and Emmett meeting for the first time.

Andrew, Kelly's other son, likes to play with Wrigley. As does Grandma Breidel!

Before we left on Friday, we took a quick family photo, again with Evan in his Santa outfit. Grandma likes it a little too much, we think.

Friday, December 21, 2007

My mom and Aunt Marcia just stopped by my workplace ... with Evan dressed as a mini Santa Claus. I couldn't stop laughing, all the ladies just loved it. What a great time of the year!

Monday, December 17, 2007

EVAN & WRIGLEY They have become quite good friends. Evan has started to reach out and grab at her, occasionally getting her fur. But she doesn't seem to mind ... thank goodness!

We're very lucky to live so close to my parents. Not only do they help out when Eric or myself need a nap, but they're so good to Evan. I'm sure before we know it, Evan will be baking cookies with Grandma or building a go-cart with Grandpa.

BREAKFAST WITH SANTA This past weekend, Evan met Santa at our local mall. He may not look to excited about it, but he later said it was the happiest moment of his life. Not only that, my mom won $200!

Friday, December 14, 2007

My favorite picture of Evan:

I've recently started a little project involving restoring old photographs of my family. Without going into the boring details, I thought I'd just post these few (some of my favorites!).

It turns out that what everyone says about babies is pretty much true. Evan is changing everyday and becoming such a little man. We have so much fun with him. He is constantly talking, laughing, and almost rolling over. The other night I went to check on him, and he had thrown his legs up and over the short side of his crib. Whoops.

EUROPE This past June we went on an European Vacation, and Clark Griswold crossed my mind several times. After many passport and plane issues, we made it to London and had a great time. One of the highlights was attending the Shrek 3 Premeire. I almost lost my voice screaming for JT.

From London we traveled to Paris, Barcelona, Monte Carlo and ended the 3 week trip with a Mediterranean cruise that stopped in Rome, Florence, Pompeii, & Sicily. It was great (despite me being 7 months pregnant!)

THANKSGIVING 2007 For the 37th year, the Donahue clan ventured out early Thanksgiving morning for the annual bowling challenge. It's a great way to start off my favorite holiday.

We then headed to the Hampton's for dinner and games. Right after dinner, Eric snapped these pictures of Evan and his Uncle Brady. Brady is usually in a good mood right after eating, so the pictures turned out pretty good.

To keep small, digital memories is one thing. But to create a blog ... I never thought the day would come. But, I'm willing to give it a try.
Instead of sending emails with random pictures of the little guy, we thought it might be nice for you to check in whenever is best for you. Who knows how often there will be updates, because most of what we do is pretty mundane and not worth repeating. Oh well ...
A few weeks ago, we had Evan baptised. Normally, he loves taking baths. Not so much this day. But he quickly got over the surprise and it was a very nice service.