Thursday, May 29, 2008

New expressions! And huffing and puffing. This is Evan's new thing. He scrunches up his face and puffs out little short breaths of air. Kinda cute.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Picnics, family & a camera

Lots of fun things to blog about that happened this past weekend, but I'll keep it short. Uncle Brady came home, Bratfest, and a Memorial Day picnic celebrating my cousin Austin's 8th grade graduation. Oh, and Eric and I saw the new Indiana Jones movie (and did not really enjoy it, but oh well).

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wednesday afternoon I babysat for Lauren & Jimmy, so Eric brought Evan over and we all went to the Arboretum and then to the park. I am so glad to have winter over with - hopefully the good weather will continue through the holiday weekend!

Monday, May 19, 2008

We had a busy weekend...Eric taught a lifeguarding class Friday night, all day Saturday as well as all day Sunday. So Evan and I kept busy by visiting family and friends that were in town. Our good friends the Stolper's (as well as their 4 children and 2 grandchildren) were in Madison for a wedding and stayed with my parents. It's always fun seeing them and catching up.

Saturday afternoon my mom and I headed to my cousin Sara's wedding shower. Lots of laughing and advice-giving. That night us girls went to the bachelorette party (we didn't get too rowdy, trust me).

On our walk Sunday afternoon, we were walking past a family that had gathered on their driveway. The mom yells to us, "Hey, want to see something cool?" I look at Eric and whisper, "Is she talking to us?" Eric shrugs his shoulders as the lady approaches. She takes us over to some trees on the side of their house and snuggled up in a little ball is a two or three day old fawn. It was adorable! We only hope that the mother will come back and that the fox we have seen recently in the neighborhood won't find it.

Monday, May 12, 2008

the many sides to evan

He makes so many funny faces. Recently we’ve tried giving him "puffs", and it’s going to take some time for him to get used to the new texture. This is what happened on mother’s day:

He just cracks us up. It was a nice gift for Mother's Day. To summarize, we went to church, brunch with my parents, did some errands, and went to Noodle's & Company for dinner. To end the day we met a bunch of my aunts, uncles and cousins at Michael's Frozen Custard for our free sundaes.

* As a quick little side note, THANK YOU to our moms for being great mothers! You're the best, and I can only hope to be half the mothers you are!

Monday, May 5, 2008

WARNING: many pictures ahead

This past weekend we had a garage sale. Despite cold and rainy weather, we considered it a success and had a good time. [ I was happy because I accomplished my goal of buying a Chariot bike trailer at another garage sale for only $50! Now this summer we can hit the bike trails with Evan and Wrigley in tow ] Not to worry; we did not end up selling Evan, although there were times during the sale when I felt like selling Wrigley. She just had to say hi to everyone, and that got difficult at times.

We also had visitors from La Crosse come down for the weekend; Eric’s sister and her family are moving to Madison and are looking for an apartment. I'm amazed at how content her youngest son is. Emmett is fine just sitting on a lap for an hour (Evan was NEVER like this!). He is an adorable baby.

Evan has gotten many new toys recently - his favorite being a car he can scoot around in. Well, he can’t really scoot just yet, but he loves to sit in it and beep the horn.

Sunday was a beautiful day so we headed downtown for a walk and to eat dinner. It was there that Evan saw his first mohawk and citation for public intoxication! What an exciting day.