Monday, June 30, 2008

a celebration!

Sara Hampton got hitched! It was a fun day, and although the weather didn't cooperate we still managed to party hard (it was supposed to be an outdoor wedding). Congratulations, Brandon & Sara McKittrick!

Friday, June 27, 2008

gettin' ready....

This Saturday my cousin Sara is getting married! So last night a bunch of us went over to her parents house to help set-up for the rehearsal dinner, and of course i took pictures.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Yesterday was a busy day. We built Evan's 4th of July parade float (pictures to come later), got new couches as well as a matching chair, mowed the lawn, worked a little, ate dinner on State Street and finished by attending Concerts on the Square. It was the perfect night for it. My mom, Aunt Mary, and cousin Austin joined us. Evan had fun exploring the Capital grounds. Oh, and as we were building the float, we were also picking out Evan's outfit for a wedding this Saturday. How cute is the bowtie?

Monday, June 23, 2008

puppies, the zoo, basketball & swimming

Friends of ours recently had a rather large addition to their family: 8 puppies. So, of course, we had to go visit them. Evan really wanted to get his hands on them, but we managed to let him pet them without squeezing or mangling them. Also this weekend we were dogsitting for some other friends, and those dogs were crazy. They kept jumping on and licking Evan. But he loved it. We were laughing so hard just watching them play.

The afternoon was spent at the zoo, where they were having a huge fundrasier, so there were lots of extra activites and food. It was a beautiful afternoon, and my sister brought the kids she was babysitting. Kelly, Eric’s sister, and her family also joined us. We had a great time.

Saturday night we went to my friend’s birthday party, and Evan got to play with his buddy Cam.

Sunday Eric again played basketball but this time we got to watch him struggle up and down the court (just kidding, Eric.) Evan did really well just sitting in his stroller watching. But as soon as they were done, he wanted to get out and crawl after the ball. We are so proud.

After basketball, we headed to the pool, where we were joined by our cousins. Although it was a little cold, it didn’t seem to bother the little ones too much.

Finally, to end the weekend, we went to Dairy Queen for dessert. Ms. Wrigley watched from the car. And, as I went out to take a picture of this rainbow, we thought it would be funny to stick Evan in the bottom corner :)