Thursday, July 31, 2008

I just got the finished book that documents Evan's first full summer. It could not have been easier to make and I could not be happier with it!

Monday, July 28, 2008

We took a tiny road trip on Sunday to Wollersheim Winery and then to the Dells for a late lunch and some shopping. I had to work an event last year at the winery, and it is a gorgeous place. So I wanted to take Eric there and take the tour they offer. We were both impressed with the people and the charm of the property and buildings. It’s easy to see why it was voted as “One of the best places to work” by Madison Magazine. I highly recommend it!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Last night Wrigley took Evan for a walk. Then, we worked on more walking. His consecutive streak is sitting at 19 steps.

Monday, July 21, 2008

It was nice weekend, somewhat more relaxing than many of the recent ones. Our friends Joel, Emily & their 5-month-old daughter, Cora, came for the day on Saturday. We went downtown for Maxwell Street Days and to eat lunch. It was HOT. HOT, HOT, HOT. Later on that night we went to the air conditioned mall to walk around a bit. Evan played for the first time in the play area, and only got trampled once.

Sunday we visited Aunt Barb & Uncle Jim. Evan showed off his new walking skills - he is now up to 13 steps. We visited Eric at the pool and Evan swam and had a good time. Check out the mohawk!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I'm sitting on the porch with Evan and he's playing with a toy. He pulls himself up, turns to me, lets go of the toy, and takes TWO baby steps towards me. All by himself! Pretty soon he'll be asking for the car keys. I'll be sure to give him Eric's.

UPDATE: 45 minutes later he takes SIX steps. I was grinning from ear to ear.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


A long weekend in Chicago. Lots of shopping, walking, sightseeing and sun. We left Saturday afternoon, did some shopping around the Woodfield Mall area, and had dinner. Sunday we had a lazy morning around the hotel since nothing was open. Evan enjoyed the pool:

After some more shopping, we headed to Wrigley for the game vs. the SF Giants. Even though Evan's first MLB game wasn't the Brewers, we're ok with it being at Wrigley Field.

After the game we went to Navy Pier to walk around for awhile. The weather was beautiful and we listened to some live music and enjoyed people watching.

Hanging out at the hotel:

Monday, on the way home we stopped to visit my great Aunt Alice. She turns 94 on Wednesday and is completely independent. She is truly an inspiration and probably the sweetest lady I know.

Friday, July 11, 2008

One of my dad's cousins gave me these hilarious pictures of when he was a kid...I love looking at older pictures. I've been working on restoring pictures of my grandparents and great aunt and uncles, so I will post those later.