Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday night we went to a birthday party for a few kids I used to babysit. They were kind enough to invite us, mostly because they wanted to see Evan swim. No pictures from swimming, but I did snap a few of Evan doing his new favorite thing: showering at the pool. He walks back and forth smiling and laughing, and then will randomly stop right underneath the water and stand there with his face up. Then, when I say his name, he pokes his face around the shower curtain and smile, like "Look at me."

Thursday, November 20, 2008

matt nathanson.

Yesterday afternoon Matt Nathanson came into the studio to do a live session. It was great when Jonathan Suttin and him went into a cover of Neil Diamond. Good stuff!

swimming with dad. what a big boy. evan, that is. don't worry, the swim cap is just a joke. we certainly don't take swimming that seriously.

Monday, November 17, 2008

another uw volleyball game.

Howard, Kylie and Bennett joined us Friday night for dinner and then the volleyball game. It's perfect for the kids because Bucky is so accessible. Maybe we'll make it for one more before the season is over...we'll see.

Monday, November 10, 2008

jackson's 2nd birthday party.

Theme: Curious George. Banana cake and monkey cupcakes. The kids were so cute playing the games and opening presents. Evan couldn't get enough of the balloons. We've got to start working on sharing :)

middleton firehouse - open house.

What a great facility! I told Eric it's a good thing he's not a volunteer fireman, or he would never come home. Evan had fun looking at all the trucks.

Festive Evan at the large pool party.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Jackson is almost 2! And a very good role model for Evan, thank goodness.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

the park.

Yesterday Evan and I met Amy and Jackson at the park to take Jackson's 2-year-old pictures. I'll post a few of those later. For now, here are some of the boys playing and Evan enjoying what appears to be the last nice day of 2008.

Monday, November 3, 2008

sunday - the zoo.

friday - trick-o-treating with cousins.

What a great Halloween! We went to Aunt Mary's house for a little get together, and all the younger cousins went out and got plenty of treats. We were very thankful for the mild weather!