Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween at the zoo!

I just wanted to quickly post this picture just to re-state how big Evan is getting. This outfit makes him look 5 years old...I can hardly hold him for more than a few minutes these days!

Monday, October 26, 2009

When Mom is away, the boys will play :) A few pictures Eric emailed me while I was in Europe. Eric also surprised me by setting up Evan's new bed - my little boy is growing up!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday evening was a private soundcheck/Happy Birthday Gabby party with Eric Hutchinson. He's a nice guy...we chatted about his Conan O'Brien appearance a few weeks back and that made me happy :)

Sunday a bunch of us piled in a mini-van and headed to Omro, WI for Sara & Brandon's house warming party. Evan, Jackson & Trigger played for about 2 hours straight. Running, jumping, throwing, laughing, tickling...Evan slept the whole way home, obviously.

The house painting is DONE! What a relief. Still some work to be done landscaping and re-seeding (and the chimney still needs to be painted), but most of the work is done. Thank goodness.

Winter, I mean fall, is here! It was COLD, COLD, COLD, but we still managed to get to the local pumpkin farm for some fall festivities.

Some pictures from before and during the Badger scrimmage on Friday night. It was really great to watch the game from the front row. For sure the best way to watch hockey. Evan was pretty much mesmerized the entire time.

Eric took Evan to the Halloween blast at a local bank the other day (I had to work). Of course, the highlight was seeing Bucky. I'm sorry if anyone is sick of seeing Bucky posts!

I know the Badgers don't have a baseball team, but maybe someday...?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A few videos of Evan playing his drums. At home, he likes to sing and drum along with the Imagination Movers. Cute stuff, I must say.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Saturday afternoon we went to the debut of "Ducktoberfest," a German-themed celebration of music, beer, brats, and fun activities. Evan particularly liked the t-ball - we had a little bit of a scene trying to get him away from it.

Aunt Barb & Uncle Jim invited us over for lunch on Saturday and also to meet some relatives visiting from Sweden. Evan played with this magnifying glass all day. I can only imagine what he must have thought!

A few weeks back we went to Chicago to meet Uncle Brady...Eric and Evan played at Woodfield Mall while Brady and I went to the DMB concert. It was a good show and then we enjoyed shopping on Sunday. After Brady went back to Ohio, Evan kept asking for him. He likes his uncle, to say the least :)