Monday, August 30, 2010

Ride the Drive.

I've said it before, but there are times I love my part-time radio job. Sunday I was able to get somewhat "backstage" access to Lance Armstrong at the Ride the Drive event in downtown Madison. My Aunt Joni and Uncle Steve are huge Armstrong fans, so I asked them if they wanted me to try and get an autograph. I managed to get a Tour de France hat signed for them and it made my day. But, boy, was it hot. I had to work all day and it was a struggle at times, but I'm very glad I did it. Not everyday I get to hang out with a 7-time Tour de France winner!

Downtown Madison & the Union.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Evan had his 3-year check-up last week and mostly it was confirmed what we already know - he's a big kid! He weighed in at 37 lbs. (91st percentile) and is 40.5 inches tall (96th percentile). He didn't have to have any shots, which was nice for both of us. We return in a few weeks for a follow-up on his allergies. Here's to hoping for good news!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Evan is THREE! He was really excited for his party and we got lucky with great weather and the company of wonderful family and friends. We set up a few tents and all our outdoor games for the kids to play with. Huge thanks to my mom for all the help with the set-up and Aunt Kate for making the Toy Story cake & cupcakes.

I can't believe my little boy is 3! He is such a good little guy, and hopefully it continues as we learn more and more about his "blossoming" personality :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

A hot Sunday afternoon at Miller Park - the kids played baseball during tailgating and we headed into the stadium a little before the first pitch. Evan didn't last that long, considering the heat and it was naptime. But we had fun and will continue the Zimmerman/Cagle/Breidel tradition next year.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

3 new Evanism's:

1: At Culvers yesterday, Evan asked me what a picture was. I replied, "It's a sundae." His response: "No, ma, it's Friday." I have no idea how he knew what day it was. We were pretty impressed.

2. Also yesterday, at the zoo, Evan saw a lady dressed in mostly black wearing an "interesting" black hat. "Look, a pirate!" It was our first embarrassing moment at something he said (although I don't think she heard him).

3. He has a few new toys that he loves. One is a car that has a button which releases wings. He asked me to watch and listen as he pushed the button. So I said, "Oh, cool!" And he said, "No, it's not cool. It's SUPER cool!"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Last week we attended a picnic and Mallard's game with the Cagle's. Evan had a blast and I'm guessing his body temp was a "little warm" - he and Bennett did LOTS of running and it was a hot night.