Monday, September 13, 2010

We spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon with Aunt Barb & Unlce Jim at an apple orchard and taking at boat tour of the Wisconsin River. Here are a few pictures of the apple orchard (take special notice of the goat picture - it was taken right after Evan said "Hi goats, I'm Evan" :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sunday, on the way home from the Dells, we stopped in Sauk City at a gorgeous lake house for our neighbor's birthday party. Evan was excited and thankful that Hayden was turning 4 and invited us to the party :) The theme was pirates and it was so much fun to watch Evan have so much fun. The kids were led on a treasure hunt around the outside of the house and ended at a "real" treasure chest with a "real" pirate (Hayden's uncle). Evan was all about talking to and chasing the pirate. He also loved the treasure map and kept opening it to check it out and show it to us. We were cracking up.

Evan golfing at Pirate's Cove in the Dells.

Over the long weekend we had a lot of family fun and spent much of the weekend in the Dells. Saturday we went with the Cagle's on a boat tour of the Wisconsin River, had lunch in downtown Wisconsin Dells, and then the boys went mini-golfing.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Apparently, Evan likes the new carpet in his room so much that he just had to take a nap on it :) We've somewhat been struggling with naptime...there are days when he just won't take one. Yesterday I went in to check on him and found this: