Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A few more photos from Christmas at the Ripple household:

Christmas this year was a bit different, mostly because it's the first year that both Brady & Kate were unable to make it home. But we made the best of it and had a slumber party at Grandma & Grandpa's on Christmas Eve. We had a nice dinner with Aunt Barb & Uncle Jim, present opening (Evan was SO cute handing out the presents and getting excited and happy for others). Then on Christmas Day Evan discovered his stocking full of toys and then we spent the rest of the day at the Ripple's with my moms side of the family. It was a nice Christmas spent with family.

Horse ride! I think both kids had equal amounts of fun...can't you hear the laughter just by looking at the pictures?

Evan was excited and happy once again to head to Chicago for Winter Wonderfest with his buddy Bennett and his family. This year we went on Friday/Saturday instead of Saturday/Sunday and that turned out great. Less traffic and a more relaxed Saturday to shop Michigan Avenue and take in the town. We really had a great time.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Just another Wednesday...

Errand day...pre-school, a trip to Grandpa's office, family fun at the athletic club, nap, opened an early Christmas gift, decorated Christmas cookies at the rec center, finished the Christmas shopping, and worked an event at Pedro's Mexican Restaurant. I was one tired mama at the end of the day!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Polar Express 2010.

The Sun Prairie Rec Department has a very popular Christmas program that we were lucky enough to participate in this year. The Cagle's joined us and Evan loved having Bennett and Tate there.

We boarded The Polar Express at the Municipal building, where we listened to the story on the way to the North Pole (The Westside Community Service Building). There we met Santa Claus and received a small gift from under the tree. The rest of the visit was filled with Christmas music, a snack and refreshments. At the end of the visit, the Polar Express took us back to City Hall, then headed to our house for a pizza party.

My mom has recently has had more health issues...she's been in the hospital for over a week with stomach problems. The doctors have went back and forth as to if they should do surgery, but it's looking like they won't. We are very hopeful that soon she will feel well enough to go home, and ready for Christmas and the Rose Bowl.

Had to take this cute picture of Gracie playing in a diaper and socks:

Evan's 4K school pictures!

Well, I'm 32 years old, and it's ok (I've yet to get upset about getting older). Evan and I shared a piece of chocolate cake, ran some errands, and my dad gave me the annual single rose flower to celebrate the day. 32 will be a good year!

Piggy-back ride from big brother Evan!

Monday, December 5, 2011

There is a hallway next to the pool at SPHS that we've discovered is the perfect place to throw a ball and let the kids run around. It's actually quite fun. Grace thinks it's hilarious when we roll the ball to her and Evan tries to get it from her.

Sunday Evan and I headed to the west side so my dad could take Evan to a movie, which of course Evan loved. We then met Grandma and Aunt Mary at the Bruce Company in Middleton for their annual Christmas event - which included a picture booth, free flowers, Santa, and LIVE REINDEER! The place was absolutely packed, but still a lot of fun and the reindeer were so stinkin' cute.