Tuesday, July 31, 2012

We are back from our road trip to Ohio to visit Uncle Brady, Katie, and their new house. Which is AMAZING, by the way. I will be adding pictures within the next few days, but for now, I have to add this cute little story. Last night, when Eric was putting Evan to bed, the following conversation ensued:

Eric: I know you're a tired guy, because you only had a small nap in the car, and you played a lot at Brady's house.

Evan: Yeah, I already miss him.

Eric: That's nice. We can take a video of you saying that and send it to him.

Evan: No, we can send him a card like Katie sent me (the last postcard Aunt Kate sent him from Seattle).

Evan: That's a good idea. You can write what I say. "I love you Brady and Katie. I miss you. You have two big TVs."

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I just realized I forgot to post pictures from the 4th of July...whoops. Yet again, we had another great holiday with family and friends. We started with the kids parade, followed by the festival at Westmorland Park (where Grace won the cake walk), and ended at Tom & Sue's new AMAZING house. Actually, it's more like a hotel with every possible amenity you could ever want. We are so lucky that they are gracious enough to host most family functions, I can't wait for all the fun we will have there in the upcoming years!


We've recently decided it was time to remove all the bark from our landscaping and replace it with rock. Well, it turns out it's A LOT OF ROCK. And a huge project of removing trees, shrubs and plants and replacing with new ones. And installing the playhouse in the backyard. And adding lighting to both the front and backyard. The list of things goes on and on. I love projects like these, it's just really hard to find the time with the kids around, not to mention a full-time and part-time job for both Eric and I. Hopefully the 22 tons of rocks on our driveway won't be sitting there too long (and hopefully we won't need to order more rock!)


I just mentioned that Grace is so fun these days - she loves to do all the things we do. Lately she loves to transfer her food from her high chair to the dinner table (oh so much fun to clean up), and to put on any pair of shoes that she can get a hold of.


A few pictures of the kids goofing around. Gracie is at such a fun age...she listens, engages, interacts so well right now and it's amazing to watch her turn into such a fun, cute little girl.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

We had a fantastic time in Denver celebrating Kate Stolper's wedding. Eric was kind enough to stay home with the kiddos (again!) while I got to enjoy a few days of vacation. Great sightseeing, Rockies baseball game, lovely wedding and reception, as well as rehearsal dinner and brunch the day after the wedding. Congrats to Kate & Erling!


This picture cracks me up. She just likes to push the buttons, and of course the easiest way to reach them is to lay across the entire game...that's just how she rolls.

Enjoying some watermelon on a hot summers night...


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Little Miss I-Wear-What-I-Want..."


Monday, July 2, 2012

Evan and I often have interesting discussions in the car. Lately he's very into math and is always asking me addition problems and such. But the other day, out of the blue, he asks me:

Evan: Mama, what are you in charge of?
Me: Well, I suppose I'm in charge of you, Gracie, and the house.
Evan: What's daddy in charge of?
Me: He's also in charge of you, Gracie, the house, and the pool (at the school).
Evan: What's Grandma in charge of?
Me: Her office and her house.
Evan: And she's in charge of Grandpa, because sometimes he acts like a baby.

Not sure Grandma will ever let Grandpa forget that one!