Saturday, September 15, 2012

Stay classy, Grace... :)


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Having fun at the library and playing with my water at dinner...


Monday, September 10, 2012

One of my good friends from college (and Stephanie lived with Eric and I for a year-and-a-half after college), got married over the weekend in Lake Geneva at a gorgeous resort on the lake. It really was a fantastic wedding, and it was so great to see Stephanie so happy. She really is one of my favorite friends and I'm happy she found a great guy in Matt.


Wearing my sandels, winking at the camera, and having a blast on a swing. 
Such is the life of a 1-year-old.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Last night Eric was working at the high school volleyball game and he usually gets home from those events around 8:30, too late for Evan to say goodnight. Well, Eric called me at 8 and said he was on his way home, so I told Evan he could wait up for him, to which he replied, "Mama, make sure Daddy comes to say goodnight. And don't break that promise. But first I have to poop."

Time yet again to empty the iPhone of its photos. Playing in the backyard, the bounce house being set-up, oil change for the car, and Grace being, well Grace. She is such a ham.


Evan's 5th Birthday Party

What a great party, thanks to all our friends and family for making the day so special. The weather was beautiful and the bounce house we rented was enjoyed by all. It turned out great - we actually got the bounce house for 4 days and only had to pay for the 1 day rental price. Another bonus was that since it was over Labor Day weekend, Uncle Brady and Aunt Katie came from Ohio! Evan is one lucky boy.