Monday, October 29, 2012

Continuing the tradition of the Westmorland Halloween many cute costumes. Ended the night with a great magic show at QP school and treats.


Braving the cold temperatures at the UW Homecoming Parade!

How To Train A Dragon Live

I've been looking forward to this night for quite some time. Eric was nice enough to stay home with Gracie, so Evan and I went with Kylie, Bennett & Tate to Milwaukee to see the show. IT. WAS. AWESOME. So lifelike, the music was great, and all the little creative touches the show incorporated were fantastic. One of the most entertaining shows I've been too, and the kids LOVED it. Evan keeps talking about and takes the dragon with him wherever we go. So glad we went.


Last week Evan and I joined our friends at DeForest High School for a Halloween Spectacular - it was great, they had dinner, all kinds of different stations where kids were handing out candy, games, and a haunted house. Evan surprised me - he wanted to do the scary version of the haunted house, and he did great! I have to admit that at times I got scared, but he just held my hand and we made it through :) My brave boy!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Last week we enjoyed some fall fun made available to us from the parks and rec department. Evan and Grace got to do some fun crafts, games, eat pizza, and for the grand finale, roll a pumpkin down a rather large hill. Evan was very excited that he won his age division, and it was hilarious to watch Grace enjoy it as well. She had so much fun.


I managed to get a picture of the two kiddos happy...usually they fight over this place on the sofa.


A picture I received from Shawn (Grace's awesome babysitter)...I love updates while I'm at work!

Go Bucky!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Every once in a while, Grace will wake early in the morning and not want to stay in her crib. If she's lucky, and we aren't ready to get up either, she snuggles in our bed. Here she is looking very relaxed, probably dreaming about the next days outfit.

Pumpkin carving and games at Aunt Barb and Uncle Jim's house!


Friday, October 12, 2012

Playing outside in the crisp fall air, hanging out with her brother, and a bucket towel ride after a bath!


Last weekend we ventured to Minneapolis to visit cousin Austin and a few of my friends from college. Grandma, Aunt Kit and Aunt Mary joined the kids and I as Eric had to work all weekend. My gracious friend Sarah let us stay at her house and it turned out great. The kids loved playing with her dog and we all had comfortable places to sleep. It was nice to see Austin and check out a few places on campus. We also made a few fun stops on the way - an AWESOME toy store near Winona MN, where there was a handmade carousel that we all were amazed by. It was a great weekend!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Some pictures from the last few weeks, including a weekend visit to La Crosse to see some college friends and cousins Andrew & Emmett, and more pictures of Grace doing what she does best.