Monday, September 30, 2013

With Brady and Katie in town for a wedding and beautiful weather, we had a great weekend. Fall festival in Monona, birthday and Christmas toys for the kids, baseball and dinner at our house.


Evan's school had a fundraiser where the kids ran laps to raise money for the school. Timing was great as Uncle Brady and Aunt Katie were in town and got to stop by. Evan was thrilled. He did great - ran 27 laps - the most of any kid in kindergarten.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Target allows for such great photo opportunities.

The kids and Eric came to visit me while I was working a radio event at Animart's annual Pet Fest...where I summoned the courage to hold a snake. I wanted to have it around my neck, but chickened out when a bunch of kids came running up to me and I didn't want them spooking the snake. Evan got the coolest balloon figure I've ever seen...


Don't worry, the car wasn't running. She was just getting ready to help Daddy move the car from the driveway to the garage, and thought it was soooo fun to sit in the front seat. It's the little things.


Grace loves brushing her teeth, almost as much as she likes dumping her glass of water on the floor after she's done.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Gordon Family Reunion up in Nelsonville, WI, where my Great-Grandparents settled and raised their family. It was really special to be a part of the town's 100th Celebration - we had our own float and Evan especially loved throwing candy to the kids. Although I thought the coolest float was one that had corn stalks and 2 live calves on it! They were adorable poking their heads between the corn stalks. The house below was built by my Great-Grandfather and still looks great.


My first morning alone with Grace now that Evan is back in school. It was really nice - I think she liked all the attention. We went to the club, the library, target and lunch. At Target I caught her checking herself out in the mirror and couldn't resist snapping a bunch of pictures, she was being so expressive. Too cute.