Friday, December 27, 2013

Father and son working on math homework.

Yet another fantastic Christmas in the books. The kids had so much fun. We spent Christmas Eve at Mary's house, church, dinner & present opening at my parents and then spent the night there. Christmas morning we watched Home Alone and then went to Tom & Sue's house. Oh boy, did we have fun playing at their house...sledding, snowmobiling (which both Evan and Grace LOVED). A lovely dinner and and gracious gifts from all. So lucky to have my family.


Gracie's first "real" haircut. Thanks to Grandma's ability to trim her hair and thus save us money, Gracie hasn't needed a haircut yet, and really only got one the other day because I had a BOGO that she and Evan shared. She looked so grown-up sitting in the chair...where has my baby gone?!?!?

Evan's basketball season came to an end last week. He enjoyed it, even though it was complete chaos and Eric's patience was tested. It was good of him to coach the kids and deal with a few headaches. As you can see from Gracie's reaction, watching kindergarteners play basketball can be difficult at times.

Little Miss Attitude...


Getting ready for Christmas...helping Grandma wrap presents (which Grace LOVED), attending a movie night at the Rec Center where the kids made candy cars, and driving around looking for decorated houses. 'Tis the Season!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My boss gave me a pair of (great!) tickets for the Badger/Penn State game, so I took Evan to his first Badger football game. Although the outcome wasn't great, the weather wasn't as cold as I was thinking it would be, Evan loved watching Bucky, and Jump Around was a great finale. Evan loved it.


Thanksgiving 2013...all the annual traditions, of course. Kids were super into bowling this year and we had a lot of fun playing bingo and quarters after dinner. Love this time of year. So incredibly thankful for our wonderful family.

It was a little cold, but we enjoyed the Christmas Firetruck Parade in downtown Sun Prairie, topped off by Santa lighting the huge Christmas tree just outside the Historical Society.


A few pictures from my mom's phone.