Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Discovered some pictures on my mom's phone...yes, I know there are a lot of just Gracie. But believe me, Evan is not being neglected :)


PJ Party night at the Children's Museum...kids were super excited to wear their pj's and the place was PACKED. Evan almost touched a snake - maybe next time!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Some recent quotes from the kids:

ME: Evan, try to brush your teeth slower and more gently.
EVAN: Gentle is my middle name.

EVAN (at the dinner table): Mama, how was your day?
ME: Pretty good, just a normal day.
EVAN: Daddy, how was your day? Did you sell any houses?

ME: Tomorrow we are going to Grandma & Grandpa’s house to watch the football game.
EVAN: Can we just drop by? I can’t handle an entire game.

As we were leaving my parents house, Evan yells, “OK guys, peace out!”

On the way home from the football game, we were saying that we know people that live in both Seattle (my sister Kate) and San Francisco (my cousin Jeff), and it said it was like Kate vs Jeff. Evan says “Yeah, we should make Kate and Jeff wrestle.” I have to admit that sounds way more entertaining than watching football!

Sometimes when we are in the car, we practice spelling. Evan spelled his entire name, and Gracie pipes up “Mama!! Gracie name (pause) 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3…20…20…Gracie name.” It was hilarious. We are trying to teach her the difference between numbers and letters now J

We are back in the routine of school, after school activities (soccer and tae kwon do), and errands with Mama on off days from work.


A nice family day that included a lazy Sunday morning around the house, then lunch at Ian's and the Children's Museum, and ended at my parents with an impromptu football watching party.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

2-Day-Recap...dinner at Flat Top Grill with my parents, Gracie being a goof, and visiting the Capitol (the museum was closed for cleaning).