Friday, May 29, 2015

Getting ready for bed.

Literally dancing in the street.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

More examples of Gracie asking me to take her photo. What a ham.

Gracie's most common sleeping position, with her had resting on her arm. Adorbs.

Spent all of Memorial Day working at Bratfest, and just dig this photo I snapped.

Evan did a great job a his first piano recital (especially for starting lessons only a few months ago). So proud of him. He really seems to enjoy it.

My nephew, Lucas, is the cutest baby ever.

Evan Breidel, Sun Prairie Vet Clinic, #11. Bats - left, Throws - right. Favorite position - catcher.

That's drool that made it all the way to her neck.

On our way back from Door County we stopped at Lambeau so the kid could see it. They were impressed and even more impressed when Grandpa bought them a jacket and pom poms.

Had a great mini-vacation up to Door County with my parents (Eric had to work). Mini-golf, swimming, basketball, frisbee, shopping, exploring and relaxing. It was nice.