Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Guess which one of these things happened last night?

A Our car was stolen

B Eric bought me flowers and I loved them
C Evan crawled
D Wrigley rolled over, on command
E The huge tree in the front our yard was struck by lightning, but it didn’t fall on the house. Instead, it hit the new mailbox my dad made us. Some city workers came to help us clean it up, and I was so excited to use the wood chipper. It took about 3 hours to finish off the whole tree, so to show our appreciation, we invited the workers in for some lemonade. The last guy in forgot to shut the door behind him, so I said, “Hey, were you raised in a barn?” He replied, “Yes, actually.” That was pretty much the way the conversation ended.

I’m sure none of you guessed B. I hate flowers.
That’s right, it was option C! Evan has conquered the new skill of crawling. Look out, Wrigley.


Anonymous said...

Wrigley isn't the only one who needs to look out. Your lives, as you once knew it, are over!

Anonymous said...

I don't like flowers either. Waste of money and so unoriginal!

Anonymous said...

I was really hoping it was option E. [sarcasm].

Anonymous said...

Hope you baby-proofed well!

Anonymous said...

Yes, things only get more complicated from here!