Friday, October 10, 2008

It’s been a crazy week. To make a long story short, Evan had a febrile seizure Saturday night and spent 5 hours in the ER. He had been feeling a little warm all day – we took his temperature a couple of times and gave him a couple doses of Tylenol. However, when I was working the Badger tailgate, I called Eric to ask him to come pick me up, and he said that an ambulance was on it’s way and that Evan had just had a seizure. His temperature had very quickly risen to 105*. Ahhhh! So I got a ride to the hospital, where they determined it wasn’t an ear infection and had to take a blood and urine sample. We’re still waiting on the test results, but it most likely was just a virus. I spent 3 days at home with him, but he’s now feeling better, thank goodness! As someone at work put it, hey, at least now you’re not thinking about his hair.

Oh yeah, then Eric came out of the kitchen Wednesday night with part of his tooth in his hand. A broken tooth, great! He’s having it removed as I type.


Anonymous said...

Oh, that's so scary! Hope the little guy is doing better.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better, Evan! Tell your mommy to take a nap.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he's doing better!

Unknown said...

We are so thankful that it was just THAT diagnosis and the Eric knew what was happening, thanks to his training! That's a hard way to get him to snuggle with you BUT he is lucky to have such great parents--even if I am a little biased....Love, Grandma G