Thursday, June 4, 2009

An interesting 24 hours...Evan decided to “crawl” out of his crib and let us know he was not ready for sleep. It took us awhile to get him to sleep...we eventually just let him stay awake until 9:45 until he could no longer keep his eyes open. Tonight my dad comes over to lower his crib, yet again :) I don’t think we’re ready for a toddler bed!

Then, Wednesday morning Evan had an allergic reaction to peanuts. Somehow we think he must have had a little bit from cross-contamination at my mom’s house after she had made cookies. Now we know the eppy pen works! My mom had to use it on him and, to make a long story short, we spent a few hours in the ER (he had a little difficulty breathing, among other symptoms.). I DO NOT LIKE THIS ALLERGY! It’s a stress Eric and I could do without - it’s mostly when I’m not around him that I worry. But I must say he is a tough little guy! Apparently the shot didn’t really bother him and he was so good with the doctors. We had to stay through his nap time and he didn’t get grumpy once!


Jessica said...

Oh no! Hope he is feeling better! Scary!

Rick said...

Yes, it was a bit scary but truly amazing how fast the eppy pen worked! He is really something--when I gave him the shot I literally had to jab it into his thigh and I couldn't believe how large the needle was--he looked at me with such disbelief that I would do that to him but he barely cried at all and then felt better almost immediately...good thing he can forgive and thankfully forget so quickly! I LOVE THAT KID SO MUCH!
Love, Grandma G