Thursday, January 24, 2008

NO PICTURE, JUST STORY It was a little unnerving and definitely weird...this lady, about 55 years old, came up to Evan and I at the grocery store. "Oh my goodness, he is cute enough to eat! I seriously want to eat him"!

How am I to repsond to that? I kind of laughed and said something like, "Well, please don't eat him. We think he's cute enough to keep around. OK, have a nice day."

I moved on. Three aisles later we run into her again. "There is the little boy I could just eat! Yum Yum!" Now I am seriously not finding it funny, so I just smile and say, "Yes, here he is." I turned around and went to check out.

I figured we'd have to protect Evan from crossing the road or maybe rabies, but never an old lady that wanted to eat him. That's just crazy.

When we were halfway to our car I remembered I forgot to get broccoli, but there was no way I was going back in there. Maybe if I had forgotten ice cream, but not broccoli.

1 comment:

John Das Binky said...

I've had this same kinda of thing happen a few times with my girls. Different old ladies, all in the 50-75 age range. Creepy.

Easier solution: Skip two aisles and change the direction you're walking. All but guarantees avoiding them, and you can still get broccoli.

Some people just don't really get where that line is that you aren't supposed to cross...