Monday, April 21, 2008

It has been a crazy couple of weeks. Without going into too many details, both of my parents have been in and out the hospital; my dad to have his gallbladder removed and my mom for chest pains. Thankfully, they both are at home now and feeling better. If we have learned one thing from this, it's that they have great family and friends. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and kind acts.

On the lighter side of things, this past weekend we had glorious weather. Saturday we spent in the backyard, playing and doing a few chores. Saturday night we went to Janelle and Darrin's for a grill out and Eric stayed to watch a UFC fight (way too late for Evan and I). Evan had such a good time playing outside and watching Matthew and Mackenzie play. They are such good kids - the perfect combination of cute, polite, and playful. As a bonus, Evan got his first ride on a swing and LOVED it.

Sunday was spent swimming at the pool (what a surprise, right?) and lunch with my parents. Later in the afternoon, cousin Jackson came over to play with Evan and to make sure that Grandma Janet and Grandpa Rick were feeling better. You should see Jackson's impersonation of a horse. It just might be the cutest thing I have ever seen. And if you ask Jackson where his belly button is, this is what you get:


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your parents are doing better! Tell them to take it easy and relax for awhile.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you're going to have a fantastic's so great to be able to get outside and enjoy the weather. Good to see that your parents are doing better!

Anonymous said...

That IS bad luck, but excellent that they are on the mend. That picture of Evan on the swing is GREAT!