Saturday, June 7, 2008

I just love this photo, and really wanted to use it as a wallpaper...but I accidently deleted the original photo. So, the only version I have is a vertical 4x6 and that won't work. So, I created this and when people pass my station at work, it has gotten a few laughs.


Anonymous said...

He has to be the cutest child I have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

Dharma initiative

Anonymous said...

Hey Beth! I guess you are still making the rest of us moms look bad with all your blogging and design work for Evan. I am actually taking a break from filling out Gavin's baby book (it takes all my extra time just to keep up on stuff like that!). Looks like Evan is crawling now, maybe walking by the time I get back to work - watch out, that's when it gets fun! Kim