Monday, July 21, 2008

It was nice weekend, somewhat more relaxing than many of the recent ones. Our friends Joel, Emily & their 5-month-old daughter, Cora, came for the day on Saturday. We went downtown for Maxwell Street Days and to eat lunch. It was HOT. HOT, HOT, HOT. Later on that night we went to the air conditioned mall to walk around a bit. Evan played for the first time in the play area, and only got trampled once.

Sunday we visited Aunt Barb & Uncle Jim. Evan showed off his new walking skills - he is now up to 13 steps. We visited Eric at the pool and Evan swam and had a good time. Check out the mohawk!


Anonymous said...

Hope you washed his hands after playing in the mall play-area. :)

Anonymous said...

Was he surfing or something?