Friday, April 24, 2009

We're back from our trip abroad. When I saw "we", I mean some of the family. Evan and Eric stayed in Madison while I strolled the streets of some of the most beautiful cities in the world. I took TONS of pictures...and I think the way I'll sum up the trip is with a few separate posts. This post will highlight a few of the aspects/details of the trip. After that, each post will have pictures from each city we stopped in.

a) This trip has been planned for awhile, but at the last minute I decided to go baed on two important facts: my dad said he'd pay and Eric told me to go :) How great is that? Two very generous guys. So, I joined my mom, dad, sister, brother (who also was a last minute add), aunts, uncles, and cousins.

b) We kept it a secret from my mom and that Brady and I were we concocted this elaborate plan to jump out at her in two different spots in the Frankfut Airport (they were coming from Ireland where they had been vacationing for the previous week). She screamed and laughed and cried and yelled and...that's enough of the details.

c) My cousin Jeff saw Method Man in Prague.

d) We got kicked out of the garden in the Vienna hotel because we were drinking our own beverages.

e) I think everyone got sick of me asking to take group photo shots...but really, I didn't ask that often. Maybe twice a day.

f) The weather in every city was great...sunny for the most part and mild temperature.

g) For 12 people traveling together, all the planning and options that go into it, I must say that the trip went smoothly. We were up early and out exploring almost every day and saw so many beautiful things, ate great meals, and enjoyed the company of family. I'm so glad I went, but couldn't wait to get home and give my guys a big hug! I missed them A LOT :)

Check out the next couple of posts as the pictures will hopefully speak for themselves. I don't have the patience to label them individually!

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