Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Evan has had a rough week. It started with a seizure that resulted in many tests and an overnight at the hospital, and is now on medication to control any further seizures. We go back in a month for another EEG to check his brain activity and to take any other measures. But he was a trooper at the hospital, and thank goodness for grandma's help. Here they are playing with cars while waiting for test results.


Sorefam said...

beth, let me know what they find. I am so sorry to hear this....did you know my sister has epilepsy and i also have a really good friend here in the cities whose 18mos. old son has epilepsy (not that this is what evan has, but if he does, i know some great resources.) we will keep your family in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

Seizures, for some reason, have become more and more common with young children. Including Evan, I know of 6 children that have suddenly developed seizures for no apparent reason. Just like Sorefam, I too know several sources if you need/want to talk with someone. Anyway, I know this is about 2 weeks late but this is my first time hearing about this ... the nephews in our families are pretty resilient but please keep me updated!