Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I keep meaning to write down a few of the cute things Evan has been saying/doing in the last few months, so here it goes:

• He is very much into time and/or clocks. He's always asking what time it is and especially loves clocks with hands. For the most part he knows numbers 1-12, so it's fun to have him tell us what hand is pointing to which number.

• He is very good at playing/pretending on his own when playing with toys. Lately he also is loving to dance to any music and tries to copy the TV shows dance moves.

• We were in the car the other day, and Eric made a somewhat snappy response to a question I had. So I said, "Jeez, no need to jump on me." A few seconds later, Evan says from the back of the car "Daddy, why you bounce on Mama?" Laughter ensued.

• I've been pumping in order to get Gracie the breastmilk she needs, and Eric taught Evan to tell me "Pump it up" and also will from time to time ask me from another room "Mama, you gonna pump?"

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