Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just so that I remember to put it in his "baby" book, here are a few things Evan has said recently.

• The weather is getting nicer, and I told him that maybe we could get outside and play soon. He said "When?" and I replied "Maybe Monday or Tuesday". He thought for a few seconds and said "How about Threesday?" I guess he made up his own day, I'm guessing it's the day after 'Twosday'.

• He sometimes confuses words and their meanings. A few of my favorites are:
"Mama, you're my best girl." (I think he means favorite).
"Daddy, I'm so proud that you're here!" (Replace proud with happy)

• We were in the car and I said "Oh, I think Gracie pooped." He replied "She's a pooping machine!"

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