Friday, November 25, 2011

Since we've moved to Sun Prairie, my mom has graciously accepted the offer to watch the kids on Monday, at our new house. My work schedule has changed for the better...I now am off on Wednesday's & Friday's (working (3) 12 hour shifts during the week and (1) 4 hour shift on Sat.), so I get more time with the kids and still maintain a full-time job at the newspaper.

Evan has started at a new pre-school, which we LOVE. He loves it too. He's already made a few friends and we ran into one of them at the library - who was very concerned about Evan's allergies. It was so cute...his mom told me that her son's birthday was the following week, and that Aiden kept telling her that his treat he would bring to school could not have peanuts in it, so his friend Evan could have some. So sweet.

We've also joined Prairie Athletic Club which will prove to be a great and often family escape for us. They have an excellent daycare that the kids can stay at while Eric or I workout. The best part - the indoor and outdoor waterparks. I envision lots of summer nights at the pool and winter nights at the hot tub.

So, we are settling in our new town quite well. From time to time I still miss the west side, but it's not a big deal. I'm thankful for Grandma who drives out to watch the kids and for Grandpa who comes over after work to help hang pictures and TV's on the wall :)

Here are a few pics my mom took on one of her days with Evan & Grace:

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