Monday, March 19, 2012

St. Patrick's Day.

Eric had to work all weekend, so the kids and I headed out on St. Patrick's day for our own little adventure. We were meeting Mary, Kit & Austin for lunch downtown and then going to watch the parade that went around the square. Downtown was PACKED. Tons of people enjoying the lovely weather and all the festivities. We managed to get lunch and off it was to the parade - that quickly go overcrowded, making it hard for Evan to see anything. So we didn't stay long, which turned out ok because it gave us time to nap at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Then, Aunt Anne & Uncle Mike had a party at their house which was great fun. Evan played with his cousins and Gracie did what she does best...wander around and occasionally stop to smile at someone.

Here is Evan with his St. Patrick's Day treat - a shamrock shake. And Gracie is watching Evan and the other kids play from Anne & Mike's deck.

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