Thursday, December 27, 2012

Things Evan said recently:

As I was heading into the bathroom, Evan comes running in front of me, drops his pants and proceeds to use the toilet. I say, “Hey, I was going to use the bathroom. He looks at me and says, “We can share?” Don’t worry, we did not.

The night of Christmas Eve, after we had opened a few presents, Evan came into my bedroom to thank me one more time for the presents. I said you’re welcome, but remember, Christmas isn’t only about presents. He said, “Right, it’s also about candy canes and love.”

Aunt Mary got Evan an Angry Birds bath soap gift, and apparently there was some confusion when it was described to Evan. He thought that if he used the soap, little Angry Birds would appear on his body. So that night, when he took his bath, he scrubbed and scrubbed and said, “It’s not working! It’s not working. There are no Angry Birds anywhere. This is boring.”

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